Andrew Jainchill
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Andrew Jainchill is an associate professor in the department of history at Queens University (Canada).
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He is the author of Reimagining Politics after the Terror: The Republican Origins of French Liberalism (Cornell University Press, 2008) as well as articles and essays in a number of venues, including French Historical Studies, The Journal of Modern History, the Revue Voltaire, and Modern Intellectual History. He is currently completing a critical edition of the 18th-century political writer René-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy and marquis d'Argenson’s most important text, the Considérations sur le gouvernement ancien et présent de la France, and working on an intellectual biography of d'Argenson as well as a study of French political thought during the first half of the 18th century, tentatively titled “Sovereignty and Reform in the Early Enlightenment.”