Elaine Sternberg
b. ????
Elaine Sternberg is the Philosophy and Corporate Governance Fellow of the (UK) Institute of Economic Affairs, and a Visiting Research Scholar in Philosophy at the University of Miami (FL). Her publications at the intersection of Aristotelian philosophy, libertarian politics and free market economics include Just Business: Business Ethics in Action, ‘Defining Capitalism’, and ‘The Power and Pervasiveness of Spontaneous Order’.
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Elaine earned her Ph.D. in philosophy at the London School of Economics, where she was Michael Oakeshott’s last PhD student, a Fulbright Fellow and a Lecturer. In the UK she has also held academic appointments at the Universities of Leeds and of Buckingham; in the US, she has been a Visiting Scholar at the Social Philosophy and Policy Center, and a Faculty Fellow at the Center for Ethics and Public Affairs of Tulane University’s Murphy Institute. She also spent fourteen years as an investment banker, specializing in international corporate finance and syndicate. She remains Principal of the consultancy firm Analytical Solutions, and member of the academic advisory council of Protect, the UK whistleblowers' charity.