Portrait of William Cobbett

Quotes by William Cobbett

1763 – 1835

William Cobbett (1763-1835) was an idiosyncratic English Radical who had a large influence on ordinary working people with his many pamphlets and cheap copies of his long running weekly newspaper The Register. He advocated electoral reform and Catholic emancipation, and opposed the protectionist Corn Laws and paper money. Cobbett was a pioneer in popular journalism which he used to oppose what he termed “The Thing”, or the privileged ruling elite which ruled Britain in the early 19th century.


Money & Banking

William Cobbett opposes the government bail-out at taxpayer expence of those who lent money to the state (1815)

William Cobbett


William Cobbett on the dangers posed by the “Paper Aristocracy” (1804)

William Cobbett


William Cobbett denounces the destruction of liberty during and after the Napoleonic Wars (1817)

William Cobbett