The Ethics of Confucius
- Confucius (author)
- Wu Ting Fang (foreword)
- Miles Menander Dawson (editor)
A collection of Confucius’ ethical writings on topics such as the superior man, self-development, human relations, the family, the state, the cultivation of the fine arts, and religion.
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Key Quotes
Prudence: “The superior man wishes to be slow in his words and earnest in his conduct.” (Analects, bk. iv., c. xxiv.) (FROM: CHAPTER I: WHAT CONSTITUTES THE SUPERIOR MAN) - Confucius
Critical Responses
The Promise of Confucian LibertyJames Dominic Rooney
Law & Liberty
The author argues that Confucian philosophy need not lead to statist authoritarianism. The piece includes a good historical overview of the development of Confucian thought.
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