The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth
- John Milton (author)
- Evert Mordecai Clark (editor)
A defence of the Republic written on the eve of the restoration of the monarchy. Milton persisted in opposing rule by one man in favor of rule by those to whom power had been delegated by the people.
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Key Quotes
Presidents, Kings, Tyrants, & Despots
That a nation should be so valorous and courageous to win their liberty in the field, and when they have won it, should be so heartless and unwise in their counsels, as not to know how to use it, value it, what to do with it, or with themselves; but after ten or twelve years' prosperous war and…
Presidents, Kings, Tyrants, & Despots
[F]or of all governments a Commonwealth aims most to make the people flourishing, vertuous, noble and high spirited. Monarchs will never permitt: whose aim is to make the people, wealthy indeed perhaps and wel-fleec’t for thir own shearing , and [for] the supply of regal prodigalitie; but otherwise…
Critical Responses

Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy ScriptureJacques Bénigne Bossuet
Bossuet defends absolute monarchy through the divine right of kings.
The English Works, vol. III (Leviathan)Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes argues the validity and correctness of monarchy from a social contract theory.

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