Institutes of Roman Law
- Gaius (author)
- Abel Hendy Jones Greenidge (introduction)
- Edward Poste (translator)
An edition with Latin, English translations, and extensive editorial commentary. The Institutes of Roman Law is Gaius’ best known work which became the authoritative legal text during the late Roman Empire. It was the first systematic collection and analysis of Roman law which dealt with all aspects of Roman law: the legal status of persons (slaves, free persons, and citizens), property rights, contracts, and various legal actions.
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Key Quotes
Property Rights
§ 65. Thus it appears that some modes of alienation are based on natural law, as tradition, and others on civil law, as mancipation, surrender before the magistrate, usucapion, for these are titles confined to citizens of Rome. § 66. Another title of natural reason, besides Tradition, is…
Critical Responses

The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and Social History and PhilosophyHeinrich Rommen
The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and Social History and Philosophy, is the first text to explain the distinctions between revolutionary notions of natural rights defended by Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau and classic natural law.
Connected Readings

A Methodical System of Universal Law: Or, the Laws of Nature and NationsJohann Gottlieb Heineccius