Part of: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, in 2 vols. An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, Vol. I.
- William Godwin (author)
Godwin’s best known work of political theory. Written in the early years of the French Revolution before the Terror had begun, Godwin provides a devastating critique of unjust government institutions and optimistically proposes that individuals not the state can best provide for their needs. He believed that political change could best be brought about gradually and as a result of free discussion in small communities. This work has inspired many generations of radical thinkers.
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Critical Responses
George Walker
Anti-Jacobin novels can be seen as responses and criticisms of Godwin’s philosophy broadly and Caleb Williams specifically. Walker’s The Vagabond directly quotes Godwin.
Elizabeth Hamilton
This novel (like Walker’s The Vagabond) is seen as a direct attack on Godwinism especially in the character of Bridgetina Botherim.
Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley was very influenced by her father’s work (both his major works were published before her birth). The setting of Frankenstein is similar to the setting of Caleb Williams and examines some similar themes related to aristocratic hypocrisy, human perfectibility, and the importance of…
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