Part of: Critical and Historical Essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review, 3 vols. Critical and Historical Essays, Vol. 1
- Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay (author)
Essays which appeared in the Edinburgh Review between 1825-1831. They are on such topics as Milton, Machiavelli, Southey, Johnson, and other topics.
Key Quotes
[T]he labouring classes of this island, though they have their grievances and distresses, some produced by their own improvidence, some by the errors of their rulers, are on the whole better off as to physical comforts than the inhabitants of any equally extensive district of the old world. For…
Presidents, Kings, Tyrants, & Despots
Can we find any such connexion in the case of a public work executed by a government? If it is useful, are the individuals who rule the country richer? If it is useless, are they poorer? A public man may be solicitous for his credit. But is not he likely to gain more credit by an useless display of…
Sport and Liberty
He does not appear to have been a drunkard. He owns, indeed, that, when a boy, he never spoke without an oath. But a single admonition cured him of this bad habit for life; and the cure must have been wrought early; for at eighteen he was in the army of the Parliament; and, if he had carried the…