Part of: The Writings of Thomas Paine, 4 vols. The Writings of Thomas Paine, Vol. II (1779-1792)
- Thomas Paine (author)
- Moncure Daniel Conway (editor)
Vol. 2 of a 4 vol. collection of the works of Thomas Paine. Vol. 2 (1779-1792) contains the Letter to Abbey Raynal, Dissertations on Government, The Rights of Man (1 and 2) and various articles.
Key Quotes
Origin of Government
It is impossible that such governments as have hitherto existed in the world, could have commenced by any other means than a total violation of every principle sacred and moral. The obscurity in which the origin of all the present old governments is buried, implies the iniquity and disgrace with…
Presidents, Kings, Tyrants, & Despots
We have heard the Rights of Man called a levelling system; but the only system to which the word levelling is truly applicable, is the hereditary monarchical system. It is a system of mental levelling. It indiscriminately admits every species of character to the same authority. Vice and virtue,…