Part of: The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, 2 vols. The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau vol. 1
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (author)
- Charles Edwyn Vaughan (editor)
This is volume 1 of a 2 volume collection of Rousseau’s works (in French) edited and with thoughtful and helpful introductions by Vaughan in 1915. This volume contains some of the Discourses and the first version of the Social Contract.
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Critical Responses

Rousseau’s illiberal constitutionalism: Austerity, domination, and the circumstances of politicsEoin Daly
Daly discusses Rousseau’s discussion of Poland and Corsica as entrenched within a tradition of illiberal constitutionalism, which reveals dynamics of freedom and domination within the application of his theoretical political writings.

Journal Article
Nationalism, Virtue, and the Spirit of Liberty in Rousseau’s Government of PolandJeffrey A. Smith
Smith discusses Rousseau’s commissioned work for the government of Poland, with emphasis on the nature of liberty under the threat posed by Russian imperialism.
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