Part of: The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 11 vols (Sraffa ed.) The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Vol. 3 Pamphlets and Papers 1809-1811
- Piero Sraffa (editor)
- David Ricardo (author)
This volume focuses on Ricardo’s shorter essays printed in the Morning Chronicle, which deal with his thoughts on the inflationary monetary policy of the Bank of England and the Bullion Crises. In these essays, the genesis of Ricardo’s theory of “hard money” emerges as a tool to hedge against inflation using metallic currency. The Bullion Committee, created by the House of Commons in 1819, adopted his recommendations. His writings here gave rise to the currency school of hard money.
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Key Quotes
Money & Banking
Why should the mere increase of money have any other effect than to lower its value? How would it cause any increase in the production of commodities? This is true taking all commodities together, —but fashion or other causes may create an increased demand for one article and consequently the…
Critical Responses

Economics and Ideology: Aspects of the Post-Ricardian LiteratureSamuel Hollander
A number of criticisms to Ricardo’s central ideas are discussed in this essay.

Searching for Capitalism in the Wreckage of GlobalizationOren Cass
In this article the author argues that Ricardo’s concept of comparative advantage is not of general application.
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