Part of: The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, 11 vols (Sraffa ed.) The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Vol. 7 Letters 1816-1818
- Piero Sraffa (editor)
- David Ricardo (author)
Volume 7 is the second volume of four volumes comprising the collection of Ricardo’s letters. It spans the years of Ricardo’s life from 1816 to 1818. This period saw the development and initial defense of his most influential work On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.
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The exchange of ideas found within this volume of letters helped shape and refine Ricardo’s thoughts on the allocation of money between capitalists, landowners, and agricultural workers. The majority of the correspondence is with noted writers with whom Ricardo shared an intellectual give-and-take on many topics of the time. Among the many luminaries found within this volume are James Mill, T. R. Malthus, and Jean-Baptiste Say.
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Critical Responses

Economics and Ideology: Aspects of the Post-Ricardian LiteratureSamuel Hollander
A number of criticisms to Ricardo’s central ideas are discussed in this essay.

Searching for Capitalism in the Wreckage of GlobalizationOren Cass
In this article the author argues that Ricardo’s concept of comparative advantage is not of general application.
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