Peter Carl Mentzel
b. 1963
Peter Carl Mentzel studied Philosophy and History at the University of Connecticut, and went on to get his Ph.D. in History at the University of Washington in 1994.
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From 1995 to 2007, he was a professor in the History Department at Utah State University. He came to work at Liberty Fund in 2008 as a Senior Fellow. Besides his contributions to Liberty Fund’s websites, he has published articles in peer-reviewed journals such as The East European Quarterly, The Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Nations and Nationalism and Turcica, as well as numerous contributions to edited collections. He is the author of Transportation Technology and Imperialism in the Ottoman Empire, and The Travelers’s History of Venice. He is editor of For God and Country: Essays on Religion and Nationalism; Islam in the Balkans; and (with Henry T. Edmondson III), Imagining Europe: Essays on the History and Future of the European Union.