Recently, I've been diving into the Liberty Fund rare book room every Friday to find and share a treasure with readers of this blog. I hope my posts so far have persuaded you of the wealth of materials that we have on hand in the library. But with Thanksgiving arriving tomorrow, I particularly wanted to share one of the Liberty Fund Fellows' favorite items from the rare book room.
The Reading Room
A Toast: From the Liberty Fund Rare Book Room
Pierre Goodrich, you see, was a man who loved learning and reading and discussion. And he also loved a good bottle of wine. Goodrich saved the labels from nearly every bottle of wine he ever drank--often making tasting notes, and always noting when the company or occasion was particularly special. And that is how we know that in November of 1970. Pierre and Enid Goodrich drank champagne and celebrated Thanksgiving at the Regency Hotel in New York with their good friends Ludwig and Margit von Mises.