Part of: Tracts on Liberty by the Levellers and their Critics (1638-1660), 7 vols. Tracts on Liberty by the Levellers and their Critics Vol. 5 (1648)
- David M. Hart (editor)
- Ross Kenyon (editor)
The Levellers were a political movement active in England from 1646 to 1649. They were a populist movement that emphasized equal rights, religious toleration, and reformation of political and judicial corruption. They are particularly known for their pamphlets and popular outreach. This collection consists of shorter Leveller “tracts” or pamphlets which were published cheaply and distributed on the streets throughout England during the 1640s and 1650s.
Key Quotes
Presidents, Kings, Tyrants, & Despots
ALL Magistracy in England, is bounded by the known and declared Law of England and while they Act according to Law, I am bound to obey them, but when they leave the rules thereof, and walk by the arbitrary rules of their owne wills, they do not act as Magistrates, but as Tyrants, and cannot in such…
I know nothing that makes a man a Magistrate over me but law, and while he walkes by the rules of that Law which make him a Magistrate, I shall own him as a Magistrate, but when he tramples it under his feet, and walkes by the law of his own will, I for my part in such a condition cannot own him…