Part of: The Comedies of Aristophanes, 2 vols. The Comedies of Aristophanes, vol. 2
- Aristophanes (author)
- William James Hicke (translator)
Vol. 2 of a two volume collection. It contains the plays Lysistrata, The Thesmophoriazusae, Frogs, Ecclesiazusae, and Plutus.
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Key Quotes
War & Peace
Com. (Member of the city’s ruling committee): Well now, by Jove, I wish to learn this first from them; with what intent you shut up our citadel with your bolts. Lys. (Lysitrata; That we might make the money safe, and that you might not fight on account of it. Com.: Why, are we fighting on account…
Critical Responses

The Art of Veiled Speech: Self-Censorship from Aristophanes to HobbesHalt Baltussen & Peter Davis
This book examines the origins of censorship and free speech, beginning with early Greek comedy.

Brill’s Companion to the Study of Greek Comedyedited by Gregory W. Dobrov
This companion guide walks through the context, history, and elements of Ancient Greek comedy.
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